Yoga is an integral part of my life, whether helping me permanently cure my back pain or keeping me rooted and stress free.. I am grateful that I found my teacher Dr Krishna Raman and the practice of Yoga which has transformed my life.
Anita Gupta - former senior Vice President and Managing Director, JWT
Way back in 1999 while racing on the treadmill at a speed of 9km/hr in my regular fitness routine I had a disastrous fall, which suddenly brought my entire life and all activities to a grinding halt. I suffered from excruciating low back pain and could hardly stand or sit. I consulted a series of top orthopaedic doctors in the city and the results were the same. They had all diagnosed me with a disc prolapse at segment L4-L5 and S1 and suggested surgery as the only line of treatment available to me. I meet Dr.Krishna Raman as a last resort to avoid surgery. He assessed my condition and within seconds declared, “ You will walk within 10 days” and I instantly trusted him. At first he treated me with medications for a week then gradually introduced me to a series of very simple exercises and postures that were powered to heal. On continuing the exercises for a month I showed dramatic improvement, my life returned to normal and I could walk at a speed of 7km/hr at the treadmill. I maintain this speed till today even after a decade. I am truly grateful and thankful to Dr.Krishna Raman who has treated me with his simple yet profoundly powerful technique deduced from his expertise in medicine and yoga. I strongly recommend Dr. Raman’s treatment for anyone seeking non-invasive treatment for problems similar to mine.
P. Vasu - Eminent Film Director, Chennai

After consulting Dr.Krishna Raman back in 2001, I avoided becoming a guinea pig for artificial disc replacement, then in its early stages. My "consolation": the disc replacement, had it been unsuccessful, would have simply been followed by spinal fusion. Having consulted my x-rays and medical reports, Dr. Raman suggested a visit to Chennai. I spent 5 weeks there November/December 2001 and have since followed the yoga routine prescribed daily, with few exceptions. This has helped me to keep the pain under control, completely avoiding pain killers. A few years later, 2004 or thereabouts, a shoulder specialist recommended an operation to remove "several" problems on my left shoulder. This time, Dr. Raman added just 3 simple asanas to my yoga programme for the lower back. My shoulder problem was totally cured within 3 months. Follow-up consultations via Skype and/or e-mail - with x-rays and/or photos - have been sufficient ever since my stay in Chennai 2001.
Marianne Schroeder, Zürich