With an doctorate in medicine from Madras Medical College,Dr Krishna Raman , MBBS FCCP, decided to combine the two sciences of Medicine and Yoga, to treat both common and complicated aliments with excellent, even amazing results.
He has achieved unprecedented success in curative and preventive health care and has had remarkable success for the last 3 decades.
This book details his philosophies, experiences and achievements in the fusion of an ancient science with a modern one, and demonstrates how yoga combined with western medicine can provide a holistic approach to a cost effective health care system where the preventive aspects of health care are afforded the importance it deserves.
His work in this field has been inspired by the doyen of yoga, Mr BKS Iyengar. He has been practicing yoga since he was 14 and later under Mr Iyengar's tutelage learned from him about the immense clinical potential of yoga.
Integration of Yoga and Western medicine for Prevention and Cure
The book A MATTER OF HEALTH, illustrated with numerous photographs and over 200 diagrams of the human body includes:
- Concepts of the yoga sutras of Patanjali, western medicine and yoga in relation to lifestyles, health and disease, styles, health and disease.
- Rational explanations of the concepts of diet and choice of yoga as the one of the best method of exercise.
- Management of various lifestyles and their inherent health problems-the executives, the geriatric, artists, sportspersons, doctors and homemakers using Patanjali's sutras, western medicine, asanas and pranayama.
- Medical explanations of the mechanisms of asanas and pranayama by a physician-as never before.
- Judicious solutions to a wide variety of common and important medical disorders using western medicine and yoga- two dimensional health care.
- Understanding the vast clinical potential of yoga as a non-invasive tool and its use in preventive health making health care highly cost effective.
- Basic concepts of yoga in relation to western medicine.The clinical benefits of utilising yoga as a tool for health care. Solutions to a variety of medical ailments combining western medicine and yoga making health care highly affordable.

A Matter of Health-Integration of Yoga and Western Medicine for Prevention and cure

Yoga and Medical Science : FAQ wherein he has shattered unscientific claims and myths propagated by yoga practitioners the world over with adequate medical evidence

Epitomises the work of a physician who, over the last 26 years of his professional career has made a tangible difference to the health of people from across the globe. His previous book, A Matter of Health includes details on the physiological effects of Yoga poses, its need in different facets of life and the integration of Western Medicine with Yoga in treating medical disorders.
- Are you interested in learning Yoga to maintain your health?
- Have you been practicing yoga for some time and yet have many questions?
- Are you curious to know what happens inside your body when you practice Yoga postures?
- Over 500 questions lucidly answered to clarify misconceptions on Yoga in relation to Western Medicine.
- Ultrasound scans done during the performance of the Asanas to explain the precise effects of various Yoga poses and rectify fallacies.
- Expert comments on the scans by leading Ultrasound consultant Dr S Suresh.
- Accurate Asana practice
- Precise Pranayama practice
- Right thought
- Correct meditation